Staying in Touch

Ongoing support options for families affected by isolation rules

COVID-19 has brought a whole new dimension to so many lives across the world. In particular, for families of children with hearing loss already navigating an unexpected path, the pandemic has raised even more questions along their journey; Will we still be able to access services? Will my child be able to attend their necessary appointments? Can they have their scheduled surgery?

However, thanks to technology and a dedicated team, the Chatterbox program can provide ongoing early intervention supports to families isolating. Families are able to access online individual auditory verbal therapy services, with a continued focus on parent coaching and empowering families on their listening and spoken language journey. But also, ongoing access to a multidisciplinary team including audiology, speech pathology, occupational therapy and psychology.

In addition to online sessions, the team is busy creating a parent portal for parents to access educational resources such as short video clips and articles from various disciplines, which will be useful in continuing to engage families and assist them to support their child at home.

Groups are an important component of our program, providing families with a much-needed sense of community and support. Should groups be disrupted, we are prepared to offer online support in that context.

In a very challenging time, there is not always a perfect solution to ensure continuity of service for families. However, we are fortunate to have access to technology which does allow ongoing support of families, even when we can’t come together face to face.

Should you have any questions or concerns please contact your speech pathologist, group leader or Chatterbox Manager, Kerry Picotti:

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Parentlink: Linking families to stories and news at

© 2022 Telethon Speech & Hearing Ltd.

Telethon Speech & Hearing acknowledges and thanks all individuals and organisations for their support of our centre, including: Channel 7 Telethon Trust, Channel 7 and The West Australian

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